
ICRAE 2024

2024-07-25 Notification! The submission deadline has been extended to August 25, 2024. Welcome you to submit the paper or abstract.(Read more)

2024-02-15 Notification! 2024 9th International Conference on Robotics and Automation Engineering (ICRAE 2024) will be held in Singapore during November 15-17, 2024. Welcome you to submit the paper or abstract.(Read more)

ICRAE 2023

2024-03-15 Good news! ICRAE 2023 IEEE Conference Proceedings has been online in IEEE Xplore. (Read more)

2023-11-30 Good News! 2023 8th International Conference on Robotics and Automation Engineering has been held in Singapore on November 17-19, 2023 successfully in hybrid virtual style. (Read more)

2023-8-31 Notification! The submission deadline has been extended to September 30, 2023. Welcome you to submit the paper or abstract.

2023-7-12 Good news! Welcome Prof. Lihua Xie (IEEE Fellow, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) to deliver the keynote speech on ICRAE 2023 (Read more)

2023-6-11 Notification! The submission deadline has been extended to July 20, 2023. Welcome you to submit the paper or abstract.

2023-5-13 Good News! ICRAE 2023 has entered into IEEE Conference List. ICRAE 2023会议已进入IEEE会议列表! (Read more)

2022-3-16 Good news! ICRAE 2022 IEEE Conference Proceedings has been indexed by Ei compendex and Scopus.

2023-01-15 Notification! 2023 8th International Conference on Robotics and Automation Engineering (ICRAE 2023) will be held in Singapore during November 17-19, 2023. Welcome you to submit the paper or abstract.(Read more)

ICRAE 2022

2022-11-25 Good News! Good news! 2022 7th International Conference on Robotics and Automation Engineering has been held in Singapore on November 18-20, 2022 successfully in hybrid virtual style. (Read more)

2022-9-21 Notification! The submission deadline has been extended to October 8, 2022 (Finall Call!). Welcome you to submit the paper or abstract.

2022-5-11 Good News! ICRAE 2022 has entered into IEEE Conference List. ICRAE 2022会议已进入IEEE会议列表! (Read more)

2022-3-15 Good news! ICRAE 2021 IEEE Conference Proceedings has been indexed by Ei compendex and Scopus.

2022-1-18 Notification! 2022 7th International Conference on Robotics and Automation Engineering (ICRAE 2022) will be held in Singapore during November 18-20, 2022. Welcome you to submit the paper or abstract.

ICRAE 2021

2022-1-5 Good news! ICRAE 2021 IEEE Conference Proceedings has been online in IEEE Xplore. (Read more)

2021-11-22 Good news! 2021 6th International Conference on Robotics and Automation Engineering has been held in Guangzhou, China on November 19-22, 2021 successfully in hybrid virtual style. (Read more)

2021-11-11 Good news! Welcome Prof. Qinglai Wei, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China to deliver the keynote speech at the conference. (Read more)

2021-10-16 Good news! Due to some technical reasons, the conference venue has been changed to Aloft Guangzhou University Park. 因某些技术原因,会议酒店更改为:广州大学城雅乐轩酒店。(Read more)

2021-10-15 Good news! Welcome Prof. Zhengyao Yi, Assoc. Prof. Caixia Yuan, Assoc. Prof. Daisuke Ishihara, Prof. Ding Wang, etc. to join in our technical program committees. (Read more)

2021-9-24 Good news! Welcome Prof. Dan Wang, Prof. Tie Zhang, and Prof. Haoping Wang to join in our technical program committees. (Read more)

2021-9-22 Notification! Considering some authors' requests, the submission deadline has been extended to October 10, 2021(Final). Welcome you to submit the paper or abstract.

2021-9-2 Good News! ICRAE 2021 has entered into IEEE Conference List. ICRAE 2021会议已进入IEEE会议列表! (Read more)

2021-7-11 Notification! The submission deadline has been extended to August 20, 2021. Welcome you to submit the paper or abstract.

2021-7-1 Good News! Welcome Prof. Fuchun Sun, Tsinghua University, China/孙富春教授,中国清华大学 to deliver the keynote speech for us. (Read more)

2021-6-2 Notification! Considering some authors' requests, the submission deadline has been extended to July 10, 2021. Welcome you to submit the paper or abstract.

2021-4-14 Good News! Welcome Prof. Peter Stone, AAAI Fellow, IEEE Fellow, AAAS Fellow, ACM Fellow, The University of Texas at Austin, USA to deliver the keynote speech for us. (Read more)

2021-4-14 Good News! Welcome Prof. Fang Tang, California State Polytechnic University Pomona, USA to join in us and deliver the plenary speech for us. (Read more)

2021-4-12 Good News! Welcome Prof. Dan Halperin, IEEE&ACM Fellow, Tel Aviv University, Israel to deliver the keynote speech for us. (Read more)

2021-2-20 Good News! Accepted papers in ICRAE 2020 Conference Proceedings has been indexed by Ei Compednex index already. (Read more)

2021-2-15 Good News! Accepted papers in ICRAE 2020 Conference Proceedings has been indexed by Scopus index already. (Read more)

2021-1-10 Notification! 2021 6th International Conference on Robotics and Automation Engineering will be held in Guangzhou, China on Nov. 19-22, 2021.

ICRAE 2020

2021-1-6 Good news! Accepted papers in ICRAE 2020 conference proceedings (ISBN: 978-1-7281-8981-9) has been online in IEEE Xplore around 1 month after the conference. (Read more)

2020-11-24 Good news! ICRAE 2020 conference has been held successfully in Singapore in virtual style for 1st on Nov. 20-22, 2020. (Read more)

2020-10-20 Good news! Welcome Assoc. Prof. Damiano Padovani, Dr. Morrakot Raweewan, Assoc. Prof. Caixia Yuan to join in our technical committees.(Read more)

2020-9-16 Notification! Considering some authors' requests, the submission deadline has been extended to October 10, 2020(Final Call). Welcome you to submit the paper or abstract!

2020-8-14 Good news! Welcome Assoc. Prof. Tomi Westerlund, University of Turku, Finland, Dr. Bin Xue, National Univerityof Defense Technology, China, etc. to join in our technical committees. (Read more)

2020-8-11 Notification! Considering some authors' requests, the submission deadline has been extended to September 15, 2020. Welcome you to submit the paper or abstract!

2020-7-17 Good News! Welcome Dr. Jinlong Zhao, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China to join in our technical committees. (Read more)

2020-7-10 Good News! Welcome Dr. Zati Hakim Binti Azizul Hasan, University of Malaya, Malaysia to join in our technical committees. (Read more)

2020-7-2 Notification! Considering some authors' requests, the submission deadline has been extended to August 10, 2020. Welcome you to submit the paper or abstract!

2020-6-9 Good News! Welcome Prof. Anhui Liang, Guangdong University of Technology, China to join in us and make the plenary speech. (Read more)

2020-5-18 Good News! ICRAE 2020 Conference has been entered the IEEE Conference List. (Click)

2020-5-11 Good News! Welcome Prof. Robert Mahony, IEEE Fellow, Australian National University, Australia to make the keynote speech for us. (Read more)

Welcome Prof. Chun-Yi Su, Concordia University, Canada to make the plenary speech for us. (Read more)

2020-4-25 Good News! All accepted papers in ICRAE 2019 IEEE conference proceedings has been indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus already. (Read more)

2020-4-2 Good News! Welcome Prof. Derong Liu, IEEE Fellow, Guangdong University of Technology, China to join in us and make the keynote speech. (Read more)

2020-3-25 Good News! ICRAE 2019 IEEE Conference Proceedings has been included in IEEE Xplore already. (Read more)

2020-2-3 News! ICRAE 2020 conference has been online. Welcome you to submit the paper or abstract!

ICRAE 2019

2019-11-30 Good News! ICRAE 2019 conference has been held in Singapore on Nov. 22-24, 2019 successfully. (Read more)

2019-10-22 Notification! The conference program has been updated. (Read more )

2019-8-11 Notification! Due to some authors' requests, the submission deadline has been extended to September 15, 2019. Welcome you to submit the paper.

2019-7-15 Good News! Welcome Assoc. Prof. Yue Gao, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China to join in our technical committees. (Read more)

2019-7-2 Good News! Considering some authors' demand, the submission deadline has been extended to August 10, 2019. Welcome you to submit the paper or abstract!

2019-6-25 Good News! ICRAE 2019 Conference has been entered the IEEE Conference List. (Click)

2019-3-13 News! ICRAE 2019 will be held in NTU@ONE-NORTH, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore on Nov. 22-24, 2019. (Click)

2019-3-11 News! Welcome Prof. Fang Tang, California State Polytechnic University Pomona, USA to join us and make the keynote speech for us. (Click)

2019-3-1 News! Welcome Prof. Everett X. Wang, Guangdong University of Technology, China to join us and make the keynote speech for us. (Click)

2019-2-27 News! Welcome Prof. Han Xiong Li, IEEE Fellow, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong to join us and make the keynote speech for us. (Click)

2019-2-19 News! All accepted papers in ICRAE 2018 Conference Proceedings has been indexed by EI Compendex and Scopus index already around 3 months after the conference. 会后三个月左右,ICRAE 2018会议论文集已被EI核心和Scopus检索。

2019-2-18 News! Welcome Prof. Chun-Yi Su, Concordia University, Canada to join in us and make the plenary speech. (Click)

2018-12-26 News! Accepted papers in ICRAE 2018 has been online in IEEE Xplore. ICRAE 2018论文集已进入IEEE Xplore数据库。(Click)

2018-11-29 News! Thanks a lot for the support and dissemination of Robotics Society of Singapore (RSS). 感谢新加坡机器人学专业协会 (RSS)对会议的支持与宣传! (Click)

2018-11-27 News! 2019 4th International Conference on Robotics and Automation Engineering will be held in Singapore on Nov. 22-24, 2019.


ICRAE 2018

2018-11-20 News! ICRAE 2018 has been held in Guangzhou, China successfully. (Click)

2018-8-14 News! ICRAE 2018 has entered IEEE conference list. ICRAE 2018会议已进入IEEE会议列表。(Click)

2018-8-14 News! Thanks a lot for the dissemination and support from ROBOTICS SOCIETY OF SINGAPORE. 感谢新加坡机器人学专业协会 (简称: 新中科技联盟)对会议的支持与宣传。(Click)

2018-8-8 News! Accepted papers in ICRAE 2017 has been indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus. ICRAE 2017被录用的文章已被EI核心和Scopus检索。

2018-5-30 News! Welcome Assoc. Prof. Xie Ming, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore to make the keynote speech for us. 

2018-5-22 News! Welcome IEEE Fellow, Prof. Han Xiong Li, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong to make the keynote speech for us. 

2018-3-27 News! Welcome Prof. Chun-Yi Su, Concordia University, Canada to make the keynote speech for us.

2018-3-22 News! ICRAE 2018 website has been online.


ICRAE 2017

2018-2-23 News! ICRAE 2017 conference proceedings has been included in IEEE Xplore. ICRAE 2017会议论文集已被IEEE Xplore成功收录!

2017-5-26 News! ICRAE 2017 will be held in East China University of Science and Technology, Jinshan Campus! ICRAE 2017将在华东理工大学金山校区举办!

2017-3-1 News! The proceedings of ICRAE 2016 has been indexed by Ei Compendex and Scopus.


ICRAE 2016

2016-11-14 News! The proceedings of ICRAE 2016 has been online in IEEE Xplore Digital Library. (Click)

2016-8-30 News! The ICRAE 2016 was closed succesfully in Jeju.

2016-5-31 News! ICRAE 2016 can be checked on Sciencemeeting online, which is run by the chinese Ministry of Education. ICRAE 2016 已进入中国教育部学术会议在线!